

學年/學期 Academic Year/Semester 100 學年 第 2 學期
課程名稱 Course Name
(中 Ch.)性別與發展
(英 Eng.)Gender and Development
授課教師 Instructor 魏玫娟
修別 Type of Credit 選修 學分數No. of Credits 3.0
備註 Note
課程目標 Course objectives
課程宗旨與目標/Aims and objectives:

「性別與發展」是發展研究領域的一個重要發展,不管是從知識理論的發展、或是從實際的發展分析與實踐的角度來看;而「女性」與發展,就是著重於女性與發展的相關議題。就知識發展而言,具有性別意識的發展研究與所謂「女性主義視角的發展(feminist visions of development)」密切相關,這也是女性主義對發展分析、實踐、理論的主要貢獻。就實際的發展分析與實踐來看,自「性別與發展(Gender and Development)」或「Women in Development(WID)」運動出現以來,女性在發展過程中因為文化因素而無法充分參與發展,是許多發展中/第三世界國家的發展計畫之所以沒有辦法達到預期效果或成功的主因。在這門課程中,我們因此將從理論與實踐的角度,歷史地探討婦女與發展的關係。課程結束時,學生必須能夠熟悉「性別與發展」運動的歷史過程與影響、女性主義對發展研究的影響、不同的文化如何影響婦女對發展的參與等。
課程大綱 Course Description

教學方式 Teaching approach
The class is divided into three parts. In the first hour every student is expected to talk about what they read about
the week's materials. They could make comments or raise questions. This is followed by an about 30 to 40 mins of
presentation on the week's topic based on the readings. The class concludes with Q & A/ discussion session.
每週課程進度與閱讀書目/Course outline and readings:

Week 1 (09/17) Course introduction and overview

Week 2 (09/24) Gender and development (I):
What is development? What are development studies?

1.    John Harris 2005 ‘Great promise hubris and recovery: a participant’s history of development studies’ in Uma Kothari (ed.) A radical history of development studies: Individuals institutions and ideologies (London and NY: Zed Books)
2.    Uma Kothari and Martin Minogue 2002 ‘Critical Perspectives on Development: An Introduction’ in Uma Kothari and Martin Minogue (eds.) Development Theory and Practice: Critical Perspectives (London: Palgrave)
* 參考:Immanuel Wallerstein著,黃燕堃譯,1999,〈發展,是指路明燈還是幻象?〉,收錄於許寶強、汪暉選編,《發展的迷思》。香港:牛津大學出版。原文Immanuel Wallerstein 1991 ‘Development: Lodestar or Illusion?’ in Unthinking Social Science: the Limits of Nineteenth-Century Paradigms. (Cambridge: Polity Press)

Week 3 (10/01) Gender and development (II):
Women in development and the rise of ‘gender and development’

1.    Ruth Pearson 2005 ‘The rise and rise of gender and development’ in Uma Kothari (ed.) A radical history of development studies: Individuals institutions and ideologies (London and NY: Zed Books)
2.    Lise Østergaard 1992 ‘Gender’ in Lise Østergaard (ed.) Gender and Development: A Practical Guide (London: Routledge)

Week 4 (10/08) Feminist visions of development: a general introduction

1. Ruth Pearson and Cecile Jackson 1998 ‘Introduction: Interrogating development: feminism gender and policy’ in Cecile Jackson and Ruth Pearson (eds.) Feminist Visions of Development: Gender analysis and policy (London: Routledge)
2. Andrea Cornwall Elizabeth Harrison and Ann Whitehead 2007 ‘Introduction: feminisms in development: contradictions contestations and challenges’ in Andrea Cornwall Elizabeth Harrison and Ann Whitehead (eds.) Feminisms in Development: contradictions contestations and challenges (London: Zed Book)

Week 5 (10/15) Feminisms in development (I): Liberal feminism and development

1.    林芳玫,民85,〈自由主義女性主義〉,收錄於顧燕翎主編,《女性主義理論與流派》。台北:女書。
* 參考:Rosemarie Tong 1995 Feminist Thought: A Comprehensive Introduction (London: Routledge) Ch. 1 ‘Liberal Feminism’.
2.    Catherine V. Scott 1996 Gender and Development: Rethinking Modernization and Dependency Theory (Boulder Col.: Lynne Rienner) Ch. 2 ‘Tradition and Gender in Modernization Theory’.

Week 6 (10/22) Feminisms in development (II):
Postcolonial/postmodernist feminism and development

1.    Uma Kothari 2002 ‘Feminist and Postcolonial Challenges to Development’ in Uma Kothari and Martin Minogue (eds.) Development Theory and Practice: Critical Perspectives (London: Palgrave)
2.    Frederique Apffel-Marglin and Suzanne L. Simon 1994 ‘Feminist Orientalism and Development’ in Wendy Harcout (ed.) Feminist Perspectives on Sustainable Development (London: Zed Book)
* 黃德興譯,1999,〈女性主義東方論述與發展〉,收錄於許寶強、汪暉選編,《發展的迷思》。香港:牛津大學出版。香港:牛津大學出版。
3.    Jane L. Parpart 1995 ‘Post-modernism Gender and Development’ in Jonathan Crush (ed.) Power of Development (London: Routledge)
* 參考:Rosemarie Tong 1995 Feminist Thought: A Comprehensive Introduction (London: Routledge) Ch. 8 ‘Postmodern Feminism’.

Week 7 (10/29) Feminisms in development (III):
Socialist feminism and development

1.    范情,民85,〈當代社會主義女性主義:經濟、社會與心裡機制的改造〉,收錄於顧燕翎主編,《女性主義理論與流派》。台北:女書。
*參考:Rosemarie Tong 1995 Feminist Thought: A Comprehensive Introduction (London: Routledge) Ch. 6 ‘Socialist Feminism’.
2.    Catherine S. P. Farris 2000 ‘Contradictory Implications of Socialism and Capitalism Under “East Asian Modernity” in China and Taiwan’ in Rose J. Lee and Cal Clark (eds.) Democracy & Status of Women in East Asia (Boulder Col.: Lynne Rienner)
3.    Lin Chun 2006 The Transformation of Chinese Socialism (Durham and London: Duke UP) ‘Egalitarianism’s Pride and Price: Gender Equality’ (pp. 113-28)

Week 8 (11/05) Women and economic industrialization

1.    Susan Horton 1996 ‘Women and Industrialization in Asia: Overview’ in Susan Horton (ed.) Women and Industrialization in Asia (London: Routeledge)
2.    Ruth Pearson “ ‘Nimble Fingers’ Revisited: Reflections on women and Third World industrialisation in the late twentieth century’ in Cecile Jackson and Ruth Pearson (eds.) Feminist Visions of Development: Gender Analysis and Policy (London and New York: Routeledge)

Week 9 (11/12) Women and empowerment (I): women and politics

1.    Vicky Randall 1987 Women and Politics: An International Perspective (2 edn) (Lndon: MacMillan) ‘Introduction’ & Ch. 5 ‘The politics of women’s movement’.
2.    顧燕翎,民84,〈婦女運動與公共政策的互動關係—墮胎合法化和平等工作權策略分析〉,收錄於蕭新煌、徐正光編,《台灣的國家與社會》。台北:東大圖書。
3.    Georgina Waylen 1996 ‘Analysing women in the politics of the Third World’ in Haleh Afshar (ed.) Women and Politics in the Third World (London: Routeledge)
4.    Rose J. Lee 2000 ‘Electoral Reform and Women’s Empowerment: Taiwan and South Korea’ in Rose J. Lee and Cal Clark (eds.) Democracy and the Status of Women in East Asia (Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner)
*參考:Haleh Afshar 1998 ‘Introduction: Women and Empowerment- Some Illustrative Studies’ in Haleh Afshar (ed.) Women and Empowerment: Illustrations from the Third World (London: Macmillan) (特別是有關「培力 empowerment」概念的討論)

Week 10 (11/19) 期中考週—繳交期末報告大綱(一頁)
Week 11 (11/26) Women and empowerment (II): women and work

1.    Pamela Abbott Claire Wallace and Milissa Tyler 2005 ‘Work and organisation’ An Introduction to Sociology: Feminist Perspectives (3 edn.) (London and New York: Routeledge)
2.    Katrina Honeyman Jordan Goodman 1991 ‘Women’s work gender conflict and labour markets in Europe 1500-1900’ The Economic Review New Series Vol. 44 No. 4 pp. 608-628.
3.    張晉芬、林芳玫,2005,〈性別〉,收錄於瞿海源、王振寰編,《社會學與台灣社會》。台北:巨流圖書公司。(「女性與工作」一節)

Week 12 (12/03) Institutionalising gender in development:
The ‘gender mainstreaming’ debate (I)

1.    Ramya Subrahmanian 2007 ‘Making sense of gender in shifting institutional contexts: some reflections on gender mainstreaming’ in Andrea Cornwall et al (eds.) Feminisms in Development: contradictions contestations and challenges (London: Zed Books)
2.    Mark A. Pollack and Emilie Hafner-Burton 2000 ‘Mainstreaming Gender in the European Union’ Harvard Jean Monnet Working Paper 2/00 (Harvard Law School Cambridge MA)
*參考:Andrea Cornwall et al 2007 ‘Introduction: feminisms in development: contradictions contestations and challenges’ in Andrea Cornwall et al (eds.) Feminisms in Development: contradictions contestations and challenges (London: Zed Books) (Week 4 閱讀文章)

Week 13 (12/10) Institutionalising gender in development:
The ‘gender mainstreaming’ debate (II)

1.    Amina Mama 2007 ‘Critical connection: feminist studies in African contexts’ in Andrea Cornwall et al (eds.) Feminisms in Development: contradictions contestations and challenges (London: Zed Books)
2.    中經院台灣WTO研究中心(徐遵慈),2006,「蒐集與彙整WTO與OECD有關性別主流化之討論與結論」。(中經院編號950903、950904)
3.    陳惠馨,2005,「性別主流化課程說明」(行政院婦女權益促進會)
4.    孫瑞穗,2005,〈性別主流化的在地提問〉。2005年7月30日,中國時報、「中時論壇」版。

Week 14 (12/17) Women globalization and development (I)

1.    Haleh Afshar and Stephanie Barrientos 1999 ‘Introduction: Women Globalization and Fragmentation’ in Haleh Afshar & Stephanie Barrientos (ed.) Women Globalization and Fragmentation in the Developing World (London: Macmillan)
2.    Stephanie Barrientos and Diane Perrons 1999 ‘Gender and the Global Food Chain: a Comparative Study of Chile and the UK’ in Haleh Afshar & Stephanie Barrientos (ed.) Women Globalization and Fragmentation in the Developing World (London: Macmillan)

Week 15 (12/24) Women globalization and development (II)

1.    Noha El-Mikawy 1999 ‘The Informal Sector and the Conservative Consensus: a Case of Fragmentation in Egypt’ in Haleh Afshar & Stephanie Barrientos (ed.) Women Globalization and Fragmentation in the Developing World (London: Macmillan)
2.    邱琡雯,2005,《性別與移動:日本與台灣的亞洲新娘》(第一章「性別與移動」研究)。台北:巨流圖書公司。
3.    夏曉鵑,2002,《流離尋岸:資本國際化下的「外籍新娘」現象》(第六章「資本國際化與商品化跨國婚姻」)。台北:唐山出版社。

Week 16 (12/31) Ecofeminism vs. developmentalism


Week 17 (01/07) Looking to the future:
Challenges for the feminist engagement in development/studies

1.    Catherine V. Scott 1995 Rethinking Gender and Development Ch. 7 ‘Rethinking Gender and Development’ (Boulder and London: Lynne Rienner)
2.    Elsa Dawson 1998 ‘Assessing the Impact: NGOs and Empowerment’ in Haleh Afshar (ed.) Women and Empowerment (London: Macmillan)
3.    Ruth Pearson 2007 ‘Reassessing paid work and women’s empowerment: lessons from the global economy’ in Andrea Cornwall et al (eds.) Feminisms in Development: contradictions contestations and challenges (London: Zed Books)

Week 18 (01/14) 期末考週—繳交期末報告!
評量工具與策略、評分標準 Evaluation Criteria
課程要求/Course requirements:

1. 期末報告:一篇,約10000字。可自行挑選與課程主題相關的題目,但是必須在期中先行繳交一篇一頁的大綱,並與授課老師討論並確認題目。期末報告於期末考當週繳交(紙本)至授課老師信箱。
2. 課堂報告與參與:修課同學輪流針對當週閱讀資料進行口頭報告。
3. 學期總成績之計算為:期末報告--50%; 課堂報告與參與--50%
教學助理基本資料 Teaching assistant tasks
指定/參考書目 Textbook & references
課程相關連結 Course related links
本課程附件 Course attachments


學生自評核心能力填答率: 50% (2/4)
A.具備發展理論基礎與科際整合架構的思考與研究之知能 B.具備國家發展理論與政策實務分析的判斷與批判之能力
C.具有人文關懷與多元價值涵養的解決問題與創新之能力 D.具備國際視野與協調合作思維的溝通與行動之能力