

學年/學期 Academic Year/Semester 102 學年 第 1 學期
課程名稱 Course Name
(中 Ch.)社群網路與應用
(英 Eng.)Social Network and Applications
授課教師 Instructor 蔡銘峰
修別 Type of Credit 選修 學分數No. of Credits 3.0
備註 Note
課程目標 Course objectives
This course will cover a variety of topics related to the emerging area of Social Network and Computing. It will discuss theories, technologies and human issues of Web 2.0: how people network online, what communities they form, why they participate and contribute, and how to design infrastructures for successful online communities.

*瞭解Web的基本運作原理與Web 2.0的概念與特色。
*學習Web 2.0程式設計基礎。
課程大綱 Course Description
Part I: Web Technologies
* JavaScript, DOM, jQuery, Ajax, CGI, Session/Cookies
* Server-side, PHP, Web services, Web API, BaaS
* Introduction to Cloud Application Platforms

Part II: Theories
* Analytic Theories: Metcalfe's law, Network effects, Scale-Free networks
* Economic Theories: Wisdom of Crowds, Games, Reciprocation and Norms
* Behavioral Theories: Social Psychology, Sociology, Organizational Science

Part III: Communities
* Coding: Open Source Movement, Publishing: Blogs and Wikis, Wikipedia
* Discussions and Socialization: Forums, Bulletin Boards, Chat, IM, Social Networking
* Sharing Content, Trading and Playing

Part IV: Harvesting Participation
* Building Communities and Putting them to Work
* Motivating Participation – incentive mechanisms, community awareness /visualization
* Search for Meaning and Recommendation: Personal Information Management, Tagging, Community Ontologies, Semantic web
教學方式 Teaching approach
Lecture, TA demo, Student presentation.
Week 1: From Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 and Social Media/Online Social Networks (OSN)
Week 2~4: Web Technologies
Week 5~6: Designing Successful Social Applications
Week 7~8: Presentations
Week 9~10: Sharing and Trading, Social Documents, Wikis
Week 11~12: Socialization: Forums, Chat and Games
Week 13~14: Social Networking: Study on Facebook
Week 15~16: Ontologies, Folksonomies, Recommendation Systems
Week 17~18: Final Project Presentations
評量工具與策略、評分標準 Evaluation Criteria
Participation and preparedness     <5%
Assignments                25%
Presentation                25%
Project                 50%
教學助理基本資料 Teaching assistant tasks
Lab demo
Assignment grading
Project grading
Students Q&A
指定/參考書目 Textbook & references
*主要學習資源 W3School 網站: http://www.w3schools.com/
*James Surowiecki (2004), Wisdom of Crowds, Random House.
*Joshua Porter (2008), Designing for the Social Web, New Riders: Berkley, CA.
*Matthew A. Russell (2011), Mining the Social Web, O’Reilly.
*Amy Jo Kim (2000), Community Building on the Web: Secret Strategies for Successful Online Communities, Peachpit Press.
課程相關連結 Course related links
本課程附件 Course attachments


學生自評核心能力填答率: 28.57% (2/7)
A.具備發現與解決問題之能力 B.具備敘事與美學能力
C.具備科技研發與系統開發能力 D.具備團隊合作力
E.具備人文關懷與社會參與情操 F.具備企劃整合與溝通能力