

學年/學期 Academic Year/Semester 105 學年 第 1 學期
課程名稱 Course Name
(中 Ch.)大學英文(一)
(英 Eng.)College English I
授課教師 Instructor 蔣宜卿
通識類別 Type of General Education Courses 外文通識
修別 Type of Credit 群修 學分數No. of Credits 2.0
備註 Note
課程簡介 Course Description
課程目標 Course objectives
Though designed to help improve students’ overall English proficiency, this College English I/II is a four-skill integrated course with emphasis on reading and speaking. With the principles of General Education and the foreign language course requirements in mind, the instructor hopes to immerse the class with English for input and initiate conversation and communication through various topics in a learner-centered cooperative environment. Students are encouraged to take active role in class participation and extra-curricular learning, challenge themselves with extensive reading and discussion on course-related topics, evaluate their own learning progress and finally learn basic academic and presentation skills required for college study through English-mediated instruction. While developing language skills, a variety of course activities/tasks is designed to meet the principles of general education, i.e. self-awareness, personal relationship, enhancing text comprehension, independent learning and interactive learning, ability to integrate information, global vision, and independent thinking. See the connection between example activities/tasks and principles.

In-class reading – enhancing the text/discourse comprehension, critical thinking through questioning
After-class topic and novel reading – initiating independent learning, cultivating life-long reading habit and develop active learning attitude
Pair/group discussion and report– personal relationship, interactive learning, ability to integrate information, ability to communicate and cooperate in a team,
independent thinking
Reading diary – independent thinking and critical thinking, ability to reflect on alternative or competing points of view while researching relevant information,
comparing new and existing knowledge, self-reflection/awareness

Specific tasks regarding language skills are listed below.
Listening: understand casual and short conversations in normal speed, comprehend gist of issues relevant to teaching materials, understanding and outline short speech
Speaking: summarizing/narrating an event, participating in group discussions, expressing opinions on reading materials and relevant topics, agreeing and
disagreeing in discussions, carry out short dialogues, asking questions
Reading: basic reading strategies including scanning, skimming, intensive reading, extensive reading, (academic)
vocabulary building, analyzing structures, identifying main and supporting ideas, making inferences,
identifying fact vs. opinions, comparing and synthesizing information from different sources, reading
related articles online, reading longer texts
Writing: grammar and guided paragraph writing, outlining, summarizing, short reading report, reading diary

In addition, the university requires the course to add the ‘cross-cultural communication’ element to increase awareness of globalism. This will help students understand, respect and compare different cultures; thus students can reflect their own cultural value and find the appropriate communication way to work in a (international) team.

In short, the course aims to
- help college learners acquire basic academic skills through English
- help learners enjoy reading and become independent readers after the course
- improve students’ both productive and receptive proficiency
- develop students’ interest and confidence of using their existing English knowledge to express clearly and critically
- raise students’ awareness of the in-/extra-curricular input and make use of the input
The course will follow the chapters from the textbook with related supplementary reading after each chapter. Following College English I, College English II will continue the extra-curricular novel reading.

Week / Date     Content    Notes
Week 1 (9/15)     Course orientation; Moodle instruction    
Week 2 (9/22)     Ch1. The Youngsters Behind YouTube    
Week 3 (9/29)     Supplementary reading on advantages of Youtube    
Week 4 (10/6)     Ch3. Your Negative Attitude Can Hurt Your Career    
Week 5 (10/13)     Supplementary reading on workplace survival skills    
Week 6 (10/20)     Chapter consolidation: Ch1&3     Oral group report
Week 7 (10/27)     Quiz 1
Reading week 1: Dragon’s Eggs
Homework: Reading Diary 1    Bring the novel, finish your diary, print out & bring to the next
Week 8 (11/3)     Diary 1 sharing
Ch4. The Colourful World of Synesthesia    
Week 9 (11/10) Supplementary reading on synesthesia    
Week 10 (11/17)     Reading week 2: Windows of the mind
Homework: Reading Diary 2    Bring the novel, read & finish your diary, print out and hand in Week
Week 11 (11/24)     Ch5. What is Creative Thinking    Start reading Frindle
Week 12 (12/1)     Quiz 2
Novel Reading 3 –Frindle [THis is cultural project !!! :)]     
Week 13 (12/8)     Frindle 1/3: Class activity
HW: Literacy Circle sheet    Fill in literacy circle sheet
Week 14 (12/15)     Frindle 2/3: Literacy Circle Discussion    
Week 15 (12/22)     Frindle 3/3: Role-play
Novel Report Due [written group work]    Hand in written report
Week 16 (12/39)     **Final Presentation (Week 1)**     Final essay writing
Week 17 (1/5)     **Final Presentation (Week 2)**     Final essay due
Week 18 (1/12)     Course wrap-up (Official final exam week)
In short, the course aims to
- help college learners acquire basic academic skills through English
- help learners enjoy reading and become independent readers after the course
- improve students’ both productive and receptive proficiency
- develop students’ interest and confidence of using their existing English knowledge to express clearly and critically
- raise students’ awareness of the in-/extra-curricular input and make use of the input
評量工具與策略、評分標準 Evaluation Criteria
This course is based on a large amount of in-class work during class hours; therefore, high attendance and class participation is required. In-class discussions, mini-presentations and short written texts (after discussion) of the topics on syllabus are regarded as the main structure of this course. Hence, students are expected to take active roles in their learning. Quizzes are used as a way to help learners be familiar with vocabulary and language usage. Quizzes cannot be made up if missed. Learners should take the responsibility of checking emails and following Moodle platform regularly for updates, resources and announcements.

After-class activities and readings will also be assigned following the course. Students are expected to hand in their extra-curricular assignments ON TIME. Late assignments/homework will NOT be accepted. A separate sheet of class rules will be provided on the first day of the class and on the Moodle platform.

Students are required to be present the first week of the semester.

This course is open to student opinions on how to help them learn better. Student suggestions and opinions are considered valuable and thus the course design is open and flexible to future changes based on students’ needs and suggestions.

Grading standards (Open to modification)
Attendance     10%    3 points for the first two absences, 4 for the third absence
Class participation    5%    Oral participation, sign in the notebook provided
2 vocab quizzes 20%    10% each
2video feedbacks 20%    10% each; 1-page A4, Font 12, single space, Chinese/English. (length & content count)
Chapter report     10%    Oral group presentation
Frindle reading report 10%    Individual reading feedback
CCC Quizzes 15%    5% each
Final presentation (oral)    10%    Group work (Group of 5 people); Present an interesting topic derived from the semester course and
video your presentation. Time: 7-10 minutes.

*Additional readings and work on English after class can earn you extra points (max. 10%).
** Mobile phone use and lack of textbook (including supplementary readings and novels) will cost you 2 points each time.
*** All work must be word-processed.
授課教師 Office Hours、地點 Office Location
Office hours and location: by appointment
教學助理基本資料 Teaching assistant tasks
Applying in progress.

TA job description:
The job would include giving and grading quizzes and assignments, classroom assistance and monitoring, researching online information, maintaining class website, notifying students course information, reading materials and giving feedback, taking attendance and so on.
指定/參考書目 Textbook & references
(Open to modification)
Textbook: Lee, Linda & Bernard, Jean. 2011. Select Readings - Upper-Intermediate level, 2nd edition. Oxford University Press.
Novel: Frindle

References: More supplementary materials are to be added after reviewing. English-English dictionaries are highly recommended.
課程相關連結 Course related links
本課程附件 Course attachments
105(1) classroom_rules.pdf

學生自評核心能力填答率: 73.68% (28/38)
A.專業能力 B.博雅精神
C.思辨與創新能力 D.自主發展
E.公民素養 F.社會關懷
G.溝通及團隊合作 H.國際移動能力