

學年/學期 Academic Year/Semester 105 學年 第 1 學期
課程名稱 Course Name
(中 Ch.)大學英文(一)
(英 Eng.)College English I
授課教師 Instructor 呂虹瑾
通識類別 Type of General Education Courses 外文通識
修別 Type of Credit 群修 學分數No. of Credits 2.0
備註 Note
課程簡介 Course Description
This class is designed to develop students' critical thinking and understanding of multi-culture and its milieu. To achieve this goal, this College English Course encourages students to participate in in-class activities and do take-home assignments with creativity. Interaction and opinion shared with others are highly emphasized for students to experience and respond to multicultural phenomena.
課程目標 Course objectives
The objective of this class is to prepare students to react and think about one’s identity and interaction with others of different identity. This is a lecture-seminar based course, and students need to do weekly reading assignments. Please make sure you finish your reading assignments before class, so we can have a thorough discussion and analysis.
Please see the attachment for weekly plans.
This course is designed for freshmen to discuss topics in multicultural phenomena through reading a wide variety of English texts and watching relevant videos. At the end of the semester, students will be able to obtain language knowledge in multi-culture, participate in group and class discussions, give critical analyses, reflect on domestic and global perspectives, and cultivate aesthetic appreciation and humanistic values.
評量工具與策略、評分標準 Evaluation Criteria
1. Participation/In-Class Assignment: 10%
2. Short response: 10%
3. Discussion posting: 20%
4. Presentation: 20%
5. Midterm Exam: 20%
6. Final Exam/Report: 20%
授課教師 Office Hours、地點 Office Location
By appointment
教學助理基本資料 Teaching assistant tasks
指定/參考書目 Textbook & references
Wedtech Monthly Review(September and December)
課程相關連結 Course related links
本課程附件 Course attachments
105-1_教學大綱維護_CE1_呂虹瑾老師with 3 online units.docx


學生自評核心能力填答率: 88.24% (30/34)
A.專業能力 B.博雅精神
C.思辨與創新能力 D.自主發展
E.公民素養 F.社會關懷
G.溝通及團隊合作 H.國際移動能力