

學年/學期 Academic Year/Semester 105 學年 第 1 學期
課程名稱 Course Name
(中 Ch.)大學英文(一)
(英 Eng.)College English I
授課教師 Instructor 車畇庭
通識類別 Type of General Education Courses 外文通識
修別 Type of Credit 群修 學分數No. of Credits 2.0
備註 Note
課程簡介 Course Description
Though not a four-skill integrated course, listening, speaking, reading and writing will be introduced in class. Most importantly, cultural issues and cross-cultual sensitivity will be introduced. Students will be divided into small groups for in-depth topic related presentations.
課程目標 Course objectives
College English I mainly aims to improve students' reading and presentation abilities. Listening, speaking and writing will be included naturally as the class proceeds. Students will read various essays that focus on cultural and cross-cultural issues. At the end of this course, students should be able to 1. read better with reading skills and habits introduced in class, 2. develop cultural awareness and cross-cultural sensitivity, and 3. be able to present effectively in English.
Week 1: Moon Festival
Week 2: Course introduction
Homework: Reading 1: Ethnocentrism
Week 3: Discussion of Ethnocentrism/Presentation skills introduction-1
Homework: Reading 2: What is culture? Prepare presentation opening
Week 4: Discussion of What is culture?/Presentation opening practice On-line Unit 1
Homework: On-line Unit 1
Week 5: Discussion and activities of On-line Unit 1
Week 6: Presentation skills introduction-2
Homework: Prepare presentation visual aid
Week 7: Presentation visual aid practice
Homework: Reading 3 (students’ recommendation)
Week 8: Discussion of Reading 3/ Presentation skills introduction-3
Homework: On-line Unit 2
Week 9: Discussion and activities of On-line Unit 2
Homework: Reading 4 (students’ recommendation)
Week 10: Discussion of Reading 4
Homework: Prepare presentation ending and handling questions
Week 11: Presentation ending and handling questions practice
Homework: On-line Unit 3
Week 12: Discussion and activities of On-line Unit 3
Homework: Preliminary report of final project
Week 13: Preliminary report of final project sharing and discussion
Homework: Reading 5 (students’ recommendation)
Week 14: Discussion of Reading 5
Week 15: Review
Week 16: Final presentation project-1
Week 17: Final presentation project-2
Week 18: Final examination
Students should be able to prepare and English presentation with clear organization and solid content after this semester's course.
Students should also be culturally sensitive and be able to communicate cross culturally effective.
Reading skills will be reinforced during this semester as well.
Students should also be able to learn on their own using the three on-line units.
評量工具與策略、評分標準 Evaluation Criteria
Attendance and participation 30%
Cultural issue related presentation 30%
Final examination 40%
授課教師 Office Hours、地點 Office Location
Research Building 820
Tuesday 10-12
Thursday 4-6
Friday 10-12
Or by appointment
教學助理基本資料 Teaching assistant tasks
Prepare handouts and make copies.
Search updated information on the Internet.
Grade homework and quizzes when necessary.
Help the instructor with class management.
指定/參考書目 Textbook & references
A set of handouts will be prepared for students to read from the following books:
Bruce Rogers(2005).World Class Reading 3,New York:McGraw-Hill.
Debra Daise & Charl Norloff(2015).Q:Skills for success-reading and writing 4,New York:OXFORD.
Nigel A. Caplan & Scott Roy Douglas(2015).Q:Skills for success-reading and writing 5,New York:OXFORD.
Christina Latham-Koening & Clive Oxenden(2014).American English File 5,New York:OXFORD.
課程相關連結 Course related links
本課程附件 Course attachments


學生自評核心能力填答率: 75.68% (28/37)
A.專業能力 B.博雅精神
C.思辨與創新能力 D.自主發展
E.公民素養 F.社會關懷
G.溝通及團隊合作 H.國際移動能力