

學年/學期 Academic Year/Semester 105 學年 第 1 學期
課程名稱 Course Name
(中 Ch.)大學英文(一)
(英 Eng.)College English I
授課教師 Instructor 謝瑤玲
通識類別 Type of General Education Courses 外文通識
修別 Type of Credit 群修 學分數No. of Credits 2.0
備註 Note
課程簡介 Course Description
This course is designed for students to improve all aspects (reading speaking listening and writing) of English. Students should be able to express themselves clearly and write a well-structured paragraph at the end of the semester.
課程目標 Course objectives
This course is designed for students to improve all aspects (reading speaking listening and writing) of English. Students should be able to express themselves clearly and write a well-structured paragraph at the end of the semester.
Tentative Outline
Week            Content

1    Introduction and Class Organization
2    Oral Practice: Self-introduction
3    1A: What motivates you?
4    1B: Who am I; Writing Practice; Presentation 1
5    1C: Colloquial English: Family Secrets; Presentation 2
6    2A: Whose language is it? Presentation 3
7    2B: Once upon a time; Presentation 4
8    3A: Don't get mad, get even! Presentation 5
9    Mid-term Exam
10    3B: History goes to the movies. Presentation 6
11    2&3: Colloquiel English: Fact or Fiction? Presentation 7
12    4A: Breaking the Silence; Presentation 8
13    4B: Lost in translation; Presentation 9
14    5A: Are there 31 hours in a day?
15    5B: Do you have Affluenza? Presentation 10
16    4&5: Colloquial English: Women and money
17    General Discussion
18    Final Exam
Students should evalute themselves for progress regularly.
評量工具與策略、評分標準 Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation: Class Attendance and Participation    10
         Tests and homework        15
         Mid-term Examination        25
         Final Examination        25
         Group Presentation        25
授課教師 Office Hours、地點 Office Location
Thursday: 8:00 to 10:00 (by appoint)

Professor's Lounge on the 2nd floor
教學助理基本資料 Teaching assistant tasks
Making copies of handout
Assisting students to do exercise
指定/參考書目 Textbook & references
Everyday Grammar
Vocabulary in Use (upper-intermediate)
課程相關連結 Course related links
本課程附件 Course attachments


學生自評核心能力填答率: 78.57% (22/28)
A.專業能力 B.博雅精神
C.思辨與創新能力 D.自主發展
E.公民素養 F.社會關懷
G.溝通及團隊合作 H.國際移動能力